Artist FAQs

What does the $250 fee cover?

The fee includes a studio visit for a professional portrait, social media marketing, outsourced advertising and promotion, a professional video on the day of the show, an Artist's dinner, and other fun extras!

When is the event?

Saturday & Sunday, October 5th & 6th, 2024.

What time does the event take place?

10:00 AM - 5:00 PM on October 5th & 6th.

Do you take commissions off of art sales?

No- all sales made from the art you sell is yours! 

What does being a host mean?

Whether you’re an artist, or not an artist at all, if you have a home or studio and you’d like to host another artist, you can become a host. 

What does being a host entail?

If you become a host and plan on selling your own art, you will get 50% off of the participation fee ($250.00 $125.00). If you become a host and simply want to lend your space to an artist who may not have a studio space, the entire participation fee ($125.00) and application fee ($35.00) will be waived. Expect to host your artist for the entirety of the event, from 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM on both days.

Be sure to allow time for the artist(s) to arrive, set up, and break down before and after the event takes place. (This has usually been ~1 hour prior to the event beginning and ~1 hour after the event ends.)

Who can be a host? 

Anyone can be a host! Please ensure you that your property and/or space allows easy access for visitors and provide artists with an adequate area to set up their works.

What if I can’t afford the $250 fee?

Please reach out to us at openstudios.topanga@gmail.com. We have organized alternative options such as hosting, volunteering, or scholarships.

What if I can't afford the $35 application fee?

For the $35 application fee, please reach out to us at openstudios.topanga@gmail.com. We understand that financial constraints can be a concern, and we may be able to provide assistance or discuss alternative options.

What is expected of me as an artist?

We suggest preparing!

  • Studio Organization: Artists should ensure their studio is clean, organized, and presentable. This includes arranging artworks, supplies, and tools in a way that is visually appealing and safe for visitors.

  • Display Setup: Consider how you want your art to be perceived. You may want to create a professional display of your work– (framing pieces, setting up easels, hanging art on walls, arranging sculptures or other three-dimensional works effectively.

  • Pricing and Sales Materials: Preparing pricing for your artwork and having sale materials ready (such as price lists, business cards, brochures, and artist statements) can be very helpful.

  • Promotion: Actively participate in promoting the event. This includes sharing information on social media and sending out newsletters or personal invites to friends and families.

  • Welcoming Visitors: Artists should be present in their studios, greeting visitors warmly and making them feel welcome :-)

  • Engagement and Interaction: Be ready to engage with visitors, answering questions about your artwork, the creative process, and the inspirations behind the pieces. This personal interaction can significantly enhance the visitor experience.

What kind of art is welcome?

  • Painting (oil, acrylic, watercolor)

  • Sculpture (wood, metal, clay, mixed media)

  • Photography (digital, film, alternative processes)

  • Mixed Media (collage, assemblage)

  • Digital Art (graphic design, digital painting, animation)

  • Printmaking (etching, lithography, screen printing)

  • Textile Art (weaving, quilting, embroidery)

  • Installation Art

  • Glass making/glass blowing

If you do not see your medium listed above, that’s okay! We are open to all art forms!

Can I participate  with a friend/partner?

Sure! Invite your friend to apply, and upon approval, they will be part of the show and you will get a $125 off of your fee for hosting them. Every artist participating in the Open Studio Tour needs to be officially registered.

What are the benefits?

  • Artist’s Dinner - enjoy an evening connecting with fellow artists in the community before the event

  • Increased Visibility: Provides artists with a platform to showcase their work to a broader audience, including potential buyers, gallery owners, and art enthusiasts.

  • Networking Opportunities: Allows artists to connect with other artists, curators, collectors, and art professionals, which can lead to collaborations, commissions, and future exhibition opportunities.

  • Direct Sales: Artists can sell their work directly to visitors, eliminating gallery commissions.

Can I sell my art?

Yes. You are encouraged to sell your art!

How do I sell my art?

It is helpful to have your Venmo, Cash App, or Zelle information printed out so potential buyers can easily purchase your works.

You may also want to print out your Wifi information so purchases can be made easily.

How much should I sell my art for?

There will be a variety of price points depending on the medium. Prices are to be determined by the artist and no commissions will be taken out of the sale. In previous years, we had pieces ranging from $15-$8,000. Having a wide variety of price points can help increase your chances of selling your art to the wide variety of guests we see each year. We've found it nice to have some lower-priced pieces to create accessibility for a wider range of buyers, and to begin relationships, as it takes some art collectors a few interactions to invest in larger/higher priced works.

What if I don’t have a lot of experience?

That’s totally okay! For emerging artists participating in an open studio tour, preparation is key! Plan your display, price your work, and share the marketing materials we provide you. Engage warmly with visitors, share your process and inspirations, and be ready to handle sales.

Use the event as an opportunity to network with other artists, learn from their experiences, and gather feedback. Set realistic goals, enjoy the experience, and view it as a valuable step in growing your artistic career!

How do I protect myself and my space?

We require any hosts to get 2 day event insurance if your property/business is not already insured for this type of event. We are happy to suggest options if you need recommendations.